Welcome and Introductory Remarks Christine Kaszycki, Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines
Building a National Inventory Chair: Christine Kaszycki, Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines
- Abandoned Mines in Canada (speaker’s notes) Bill Mackasey, WOM Geological Associates Inc.
- Ontario’s Abandoned Mines Program John Robertson, ON Ministry of Northern Development & Mines
- NRCan Inactive Mines Database Jim Vance, Natural Resources Canada
- Abandoned Mines Inventory and Assessment in Quebec Robert Tremblay, Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec
- Abandoned Mines Inventory: An Auditor’s Perspective* Wayne Cluskey, Office of the Auditor General of Canada
Community Perspectives Chair: Joan Kuyek, MiningWatch Canada
- Community Perspectives on the Giant Mine, Yellowknife, NT Kevin O’Reilly, Canadian Arctic Resources Committee
- Site Restoration and Mining Facilities of the Schefferville IOC Matimekush Lac-John Innu Nation Council
- Mines in the Yukon: Abandoned, Orphaned and in Limbo Bob van Dijken, Consultant
- Community Impacts of Abandoned Mines in Timmins* Vic Power, Association of Mining Municipalities of Ontario
Setting Standards and Rational Expectations Chair: Patrick Reid, Ontario Mining Association
- Financial and Other Considerations – Mt. Nansen Mine Study Hugh Copland, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada – YT Region
- Reclamation Standards* Tom Hutchinson, Trent University
- Kam Kotia Case Study – A Pragmatic Approach to a Big $ Problem Dick Cowan/John Robertson, Ontario MNDM
Ownership and Liability Issues Chair: Elizabeth Gardiner, The Mining Association of Canada
- Hollinger Tailings, Timmins: Emergency to Legislative Changes Dick Cowan, Ontario MNDM
- Britannia, BC: Past, Present and Future Al Colodey, Environment Canada
- Dealing with the Failure of Royal Oak Mines in the NWT, Canada Dave Nutter, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
- Orphan Mines Exploration Implications: Past, Present and Future Gerald Harper, Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada
- Good Samaritan Legislation (speaker’s notes) Wayne Fraser, Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Co.
- World War II, Mineral Properties and Inventory Issues Ed Huebert, Mining Association of Manitoba
- Bluebell: Revisiting a Historic Mine Walter Kuit, Cominco Ltd.
* Presentation not available