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Funding Approaches Task Group


To identify and evaluate funding approaches and preferred options to pay for the remediation of orphaned/abandoned sites that can be adapted to the needs of each jurisdiction.


A report, Potential Funding Approaches for Orphaned/Abandoned Mines in Canada (Castrilli et al., 2003), outlined and recommended a variety of funding approaches for consideration in the cleanup or management of liabilities related to OAMs. No single funding approach will constitute a complete solution; a combination of a number of approaches will likely be required.

A multistakeholder workshop on Assessing Liabilities and Funding Options was held in Ottawa in 2005 that further developed funding approaches and related issues for OAMs. A roll-up discussion identified gaps and future priorities for NOAMI. One recommendation was for a toolkit of funding options, outlining a series of options and illustrated with case studies. This would be a resource document for use by jurisdictions across Canada to help guide the establishment of potential funding options for the remediation of OAMs.

The report, Rehabilitating Abandoned Mines in Canada: A Toolkit of Funding Options (Cowan Minerals, 2006) was completed and released at the multi-stakeholder Workshop to Explore Best Practices hosted by NOAMI in the Fall of 2006.