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  1. Policy Framework in Canada for Mine Closure and Management of Long-term Liabilities: A Guidance Document (Cowan Minerals Ltd., 2010)
  2. NOAMI 2002-2008 Performance Report, NOAMI 2009
  3. Report on the Legislative, Regulatory, and Policy Framework Respecting Collaboration, Liability, and Funding Measures in relation to Orphaned/Abandoned, Contaminated, and Operating Mines in Canada (Castrilli 2006)
  4. Rehabilitating Abandoned Mines in Canada: A Toolkit of Funding Options
    Cowan Minerals Ltd., 2006
  5. Capacity Building for a National Inventory of Orphaned/Abandoned Mines in Canada
    Cal Data 2005
  6. Best Practices in Community Involvement: Planning for and Rehabilitating Abandoned and Orphaned Mines in Canada
    NOAMI brochure, 2003
  7. Guidelines for Legislative Review
    NOAMI 2004
  8. Lessons Learned on Community Involvement in the Remediation of Orphaned and Abandoned Mines - Case Studies and Analysis
  9. Potential Funding Approaches for Orphaned/Abandoned Mines in Canada
    Castrilli and C.N. Watson and Associates, 2003
  10. Barriers to Collaboration: Orphaned/Abandoned Mines in Canada.
    Castrilli, 2002
Mines Ministers' Status Reports/Action Plans (NOAMI-related)
  1. 2001   Status Report 2000 | Action Plan 2001
  2. 2002   Status Report 2001 | Action Plan 2002
  3. 2003   Status Report 2002 | Action Plan 2003
  4. 2004   Status Report 2003 | Action Plan 2004
  5. 2005   Status Report 2004 | Action Plan 2005
  6. 2006   Status Report 2005 | Action Plan 2006
  7. 2007   Status Report 2006 | Action Plan 2007